Spina bifida surgery before birth

Miracle baby who had spina bifida surgery before birth is now able to walk and run

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Doctors told her parents she might never be able to walk, but miracle baby proves everyone wrong with a spina bifida surgery before birth.

A couple, Georgia Axford, 19, and Tyler Kelly, 21, from South Gloucestershire, UK, were told in 2018 that their unborn child was suffering from spina bifida, during a 20-week pregnancy scan.

According to the New York Post, doctors also told the couple that the child would never be able to walk and their only hope was an invasive surgery which will be done inside the womb.

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Spina bifida is a condition that affects the spine and can be diagnosed before birth. Most people with this condition suffer from paralysis in the legs and they are unable to walk.

The desperate parents took a loan and flew to Germany for the in womb spina bifida surgery which cost them $11,400.

Piper-Kohl Kelly was born prematurely in July 2018 and stayed in the neonatal intensive care unit for 52 days before the parents could get her home.

On her birth, Piper looked alright but she had another surgery when she was just 6 months old.

Over the years things were hard for the family with treatments and regular physiotherapy.

Spina bifida surgery before birth
Piper-Kohl Kelly: Picture from her Mom’s Instagram

Despite all the difficulties, Piper is a miracle baby and doctors thought that she would have to use a shunt if her legs did not develop well.

Axford shares, Piper used a shunt and walking frame initially for a year to walk and move around. After a year’s use, she was walking around on her own and did not need the shunt anymore.

Coincidentally, Piper and her surgeon Thomas Kohl share the same birthday, so her parents named her Piper-Kohl on the name of her surgeon to show their gratitude towards him.

Axford believes the surgery and entire experience was “easier” because of Dr Kohl, who was “lovely” to them. Piper and Dr Kohl FaceTime each other or share texts on their birthday.

Axford also informs Dr Kohl of Piper’s health and her steady progress. The parents are super proud of their active girl, who recently participated in her school’s sports day.

Although Piper gets tired soon and cannot do long distances, Axford and Kelly are happy about her progress and all the feats she’s been achieving.

They admire her for her strength and look forward to defeating any future problems as well.

Maya Bennett

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