lonely goose in Iowa

Widowed and Lonely Goose in Iowa Finds Love Again

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A resident and lonely goose in an Iowa cemetery has gotten a heartwarming second chance at love, thanks to human intervention!

This is a heartwarming tale of Blossom, the resident goose of Riverside Cemetery in Marshalltown, Iowa.

According to PEOPLE, the goose was left heartbroken and lonely after her mate, Bud, died in the summer of 2022.  

The sad and lonely goose would keep staring at her reflection in the shiny sample headstones kept outside their main office for hours at a time. 

According to the general manager of the cemetery, David Shearer, 61, “She was just so very lonely.”

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The former general manager of the Riverside Cemetery, Dorie Tammen, 68, thought Blossom needed a partner.

So, she wrote a “personalized” ad on the cemetery’s Facebook page on February 10, 2023, explaining Blossom’s loneliness and her need for companionship and “occasional shenanigans.” 

lonely goose in Iowa
Introduction of Frankie and Blossom via Riverside Cemetery’s Facebook page

The above post was read by Deb Hoyt, 66, from Runnells, Iowa, the executive director of Healing Hearts with Horses. She too, had a lonely single goose named Frankie, who had lost his mate recently and was just as heartbroken as Blossom.

Thinking Frankie would be perfect for Blossom, Hoyt brought the goose to the cemetery on Valentine’s Day 2023. 

However, as they tried to make the pair meet, Frankie just took a flight and flew away across the cemetery’s lake and vanished out of sight.

Hoyt and her husband were disappointed and heartbroken and thought they had enraged Frankie. Despite searching everywhere, they were unable to find him and felt Frankie had probably died due to the cold and rain. 

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Luckily, the next morning, Hoyt received a call from Tammen informing her that Frankie was finally found and that the couple had fallen in love at first sight.

lonely goose in Iowa
The happy lovebirds Blossom and Frankie

The cute pair are now inseparable and spend their days swimming together in Lake Woodmere, a 2-acre pond at the cemetery, or roaming about the cemetery grounds. 

According to the Shearer, the geese couple also have company with other ducks, swans, and Chinese geese.

Staff from the cemetery keep posting updates about the “lovebirds” along with pictures of them swimming, eating, or walking together in the rain. 

The birds are now a happy couple; they love to do everything together and are never apart.

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