Woman Gives Birth in McDonald's Parking Lot

Woman Gives Birth in McDonald’s Parking Lot; Newborn Fondly Nicknamed ‘McFlurry’ by Overjoyed Parents

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A woman gives birth in McDonald’s parking lot in Wisconsin amidst a blizzard and parents pay tribute to the fast-food outlet and its beloved ice cream.

25-year-old Analysia and her husband Daniel Beck from Wisconsin, were expecting their third child. However, the little one could not wait for his mom to reach the hospital and was born unexpectedly in a McDonald’s parking lot amidst a blizzard.

As reported by PEOPLE, on January 11 Analysia began having light contractions at approximately 11 p.m. local time. Thinking the contractions to be a false alarm, Analysia chose to return to sleep, she was 38 weeks pregnant at the time.

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Woman Gives Birth in McDonald's Parking Lot
Birth of baby ‘McFlurry’: via Facebook

But moments later, when she woke up she felt discomfort and realized her water had broken. Daniel decided to drive down Analysia to the hospital after her mother came to watch their two older kids, Jayce, 3, and Aubriella, 17 months. 

Then, as they were driving, Analysia requested Daniel to give the hospital a call. Hospital administrators questioned him about Analysia’s pain management strategy, she immediately declared her desire for an epidural.

Nevertheless, Analysia realized after a short while that she wouldn’t make it to the hospital for the delivery and began to believe that she was sitting on the baby’s head. She requested Daniel to pull over at a McDonald’s parking lot, saying that the baby would be born at any moment.

Analysia went to the rear seat of the car at roughly 3:55 a.m., while Daniel dialed 911. She just managed three pushes, barely in time for the paramedics to grab him.

Woman Gives Birth in McDonald's Parking Lot
Analysia Beck with baby ‘McFlurry’: Picture via Facebook

After being transported in an ambulance to the hospital for medical examinations, Daniel and Analysia’s son, who had seemed blue from the cold, turned out to be perfectly healthy.

Although the ecstatic parents named their kid Micah, they have been referring to him as “McFlurry” in homage to the well-known McDonald’s parking lot and their popular ice cream.

The couple thinks the name is “very fitting, between McDonald’s and the blizzard,” Analysia said as per sources. 

Maya Bennett

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