6-Year-Old Girl Runs into Burning Home and Saves Her Family from Fire

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Olivia Patterson from the UK, saw flames going up from her house and she ran inside the burning home to warn her family!

burning home
Picture of the burning home from their GoFundMe page

Here comes another story of a brave little girl, who saved her family from their burning home.

6-year-old Olivia Patterson from North Yorkshire, England, was playing outside when she noticed the roof of her house engulfed in flames.

This incident took place on April 4 as reported by the United Kingdom newspaper, The Times.

According to Yorkshire Live, the little girl was well aware that her two siblings Joel-James, 1, and Tiffany, 2, along with mother Laura, 29, were dozing off on the couch.

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Instead of being scared the determined girl ran inside screaming at her mom to wake up and wake up the babies.

The family of four managed to escape the house unharmed and the fire seemed to have started from a neighbor’s house which spread to their upper floor.

The family was able to recover only a few baby garments from the fully destroyed three-bedroom house and all of its possessions.

Olivia’s 54-year-old grandma, Sadie Gelder, described her as a hero and an “amazing” granddaughter.

burning home
Brave little Olivia Patterson: Picture via Sadie Gelder

She continued by stating that she is proud of Olivia, who is an incredible little child who had no fear of entering a burning house despite having ADHD. She screamed for everyone to wake up and managed to save her family as well.

Despite noticing the fire, the neighbors assumed the house was unoccupied since there was no vehicle in the driveway.

However, practically everything Laura and her family owned was destroyed in the fire.

Both friends and neighbors have been contributing various necessities, such as towels and blankets to the family. Various news agencies have reported that they are now residing at an Airbnb.

When local officials were contacted by PEOPLE, they revealed that they were looking into what caused the fire. The family was informed that the likely culprit may have been a phone charger.

To help the family in these difficult times, a colleague of Laura has setup a GoFundMe page to raise some money.

As of now the donations on the website have exceeded the initial goal of $6,200 to raise a total of $7,600 (£6,142).

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