man walks to work everyday

Come Rain or Shine, a Man Walks to Work Every Day for Miles, Until a Kind Woman Offers Him a Lift

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Hundreds rally on Mr. Bill’s Village – Facebook group, to help out a man who walks to work every day!

Bill Moczulewski, a legally blind night shift janitor at a nearby Walmart, was unable to drive and had to walk six miles each way to work every day.

He lived in Cabot, Arkansas. His devotion and perseverance to his work were so great that he would walk for two hours every day, rain or shine.

All of that changed one day when Bill was offered a ride to work by Christy Conrad, a kind and compassionate woman. When Christy offered Bill a lift the other morning, the temperature was “9 degrees,” she recalls.

Man walks to work everyday
Mr. Bill Moczulewski with Christy Conrad via Mr. Bill’s Village on Facebook

Rain or bitter cold, nothing would keep Bill from getting to his workplace. Christy learned throughout the journey that Bill used to ride a bike but stopped after getting hit by a car.

SIMILAR: Read about these selfless students who create a toy car for children with mobile disability.

After hearing his story, Christy was moved and decided to assist him.

She created a Facebook page called Mr. Bill’s Village to search for more volunteers who could provide Bill with a lift because she couldn’t always be there for him.

It truly did take a village and in less than two months, over a thousand people have joined the group, scanning the early and evening hours for a man wearing a camouflage jacket.

To see who “offers a lift to Bill today,” the members compete with one another. As Bill stated to CBS News, “I think there’s a lot of good people in this world, all over the place.”

Christy wept joyfully as this tale went viral and was featured on television.

She even encouraged people to follow the adage, “Treat others the way you would like to be treated,” as mentioned by her on Mr. Bill’s Village Facebook page.

Man walks to work everyday
Bill enjoying a meal

She thinks that everyone has the ability to change things and, if they can, try to meet a need.

Chris Puckett, the owner of local Puckett Auto Group, wanted to give Bill a car as a gift, but he found out that Bill couldn’t drive because of his vision. Instead, in appreciation of Christy’s kindness, he donated the automobile to her.

Maya Bennett

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