Heart touching moment: Dad buys a Ford Mustang for his adolescent cancer-stricken son

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In a heart touching moment, the son claims he will squeeze in a few more months of life to be able to drive the Mustang!

heart touching moment
Stock picture: Pexels

If you had to buy your child’s first car, what would it be?

It surely would be a hooptie, as the first car is bound to get some scratches here and there. Also, another important reason for handing over a dilapidated automobile would be to instill some values.

A crate will make them work harder for a better vehicle thereby giving them significant life lessons. And, yes, the insurance will be cheaper too.

Despite all this, parents are appreciating a father, Joe Tegerdine from Springville, Utah, and his wife Kerry for buying their son’s first car – a 330-horsepower 2020 Ford Mustang, as reported by Upworthy.

Just when you thought it was reckless on the part of Tegerdines’ to spoil their son, let’s know more about 18-year-old Joseph.

He’s suffering from osteosarcoma, a rare form of bone cancer. Doctors say Joseph’s life expectancy has already exceeded expectations.

It has been Joseph’s lifelong dream to buy a Mustang and to be able to afford it, he was working at Sodalicious and saving money for it.

But with Joseph’s condition, time is running out on him and just so he could enjoy some time with the car, his dad decided to pitch in.

Joe explained the reason behind buying the car on X, which has received nearly 14 million views as of now.

He wrote on the platform, “For those wondering why I’d buy my 18yr old son a 330hp Mustang, well, he’s been given months to live and can’t work long enough to buy one himself.”

And if this wasn’t enough, then in a heart-touching moment, Joseph responded, “Dad, I’m going to squeeze a few extra months of life just to be able to drive this.”

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Joseph was diagnosed with the deadly disease in 2019, at 13 years of age when he started complaining of pain in his knees.

He was an athletic boy, who actively participated in sports. In 2022, he even had a leg amputation as his cancer has spread towards his hip and lungs.

Once the parents became aware of his terminal cancer, they knew Joseph did not have enough time to work hard and buy the Mustang.

So, to fulfill his dream and just so that he could enjoy driving the car for the few last months of his life, they bought him the car.

Joe said, “He really wants to live life to the fullest. He is not interested in spending the last few months hooked up to machines.”

Although the family is unsure of Joseph’s future, they decide to make the most of their time.

Despite the sudden diagnosis, Joe has found solace in the memories he has built with his son, who has been with them for 18 years.

Joseph is grateful for the opportunities life has brought him as his treatment now only consists of managing the pain to prolong his life just a little bit.

The family has been enjoying their time together with trips to Tokyo, Japan, Los Angeles, and Florida, where they have seen Taylor Swift and swam with dolphins.

Ford CEO Jim Farley invited Joseph to attend Ford Performance Racing School in April after his dad’s tweet went viral.

Joseph believes his day-to-day life is ideal, with a dream car, a loving family, a girlfriend he loves, piano playing, and reading books.

He admits that feeling fulfilled in the future is the hardest part, but believes he has managed to make his day-to-day life fulfilling for as long as he can.

Maya Bennett

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